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Gateway to Grace - The Fast Track to Enlightenment
How to Feel Better and Change the World at the Same Time

by Barbara Berger

Available as a paperback, e-book and audiobook.

Paperback: $12.50 USD (Free shipping worldwide)

e-book: $6.00 USD (the e-book will be sent to your e-mail address within 24 hours from receiving your order)

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The book is also available as an audiobook narrated by Barbara Berger.
The audiobook can be streamed on

This is a book about transformation. The transformation of our lives—your life and mine—and the transformation of the life of Planet Earth.

This transformation is the crucial event of our time. It is an event so profound that it entails not just the transformation of individual consciousness, but one that encompasses the transformation of the planetary consciousness as well.

We all long for that State of Grace, which means freedom and bliss. And we are all moving, with Grace, into that magical State of Grace.

This book describes the tools you need to get there. The tools which are your Boarding Pass to Higher Consciousness. Each one gives you a practical and highly effective way to raise your consciousness so that you can experience Grace and enjoy your natural birthright—a life filled with freedom, bliss, love, health, happiness and abundance.

To claim our natural birthright is to transform life on Planet Earth.

“Barbara’s most poetic self-help book.”
Tim Ray, author of the Starbrow series

Sample chapter from Gateway to Grace.

Gateway to Grace
is available in English, Danish, Swedish and German.